Sustainability in Malawi

Likoma Reforestation

Jacarandas to Plant for Likoma Reforestation Project

The Foundation sponsors a reforestation project on Likoma Island in Lake Malawi that aims to reduce the negative impacts of deforestation, such as soil erosion and run off, through small community-managed tree nurseries. Importantly, the project is creating sustainable livelihoods and improving resource management for the health of both the natural environment and the people that live within it. Due to the continuous population growth on the island, more and more of its natural trees are being chopped down to be used as firewood for household cooking and heating.

Clean Up Likoma

Clean Up Initiative on Likoma Island

The Foundation initiated Clean Up Likoma in 2018, which is a community-led project aimed at reducing the amount of single-use plastic waste on the island in Lake Malawi. The project developed and continues to run the waste collection infrastructure, alongside the dedicated efforts to build knowledge and educate school children on the importance of keeping Likoma clean.