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Stichting Green Safaris Conservation Foundation
Postbus 301
1400 AH Bussum
The Netherlands
The Green Safaris Foundation was established to generate and deploy community project funding to support local community development, wildlife conservation and ecosystem preservation in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Our objectives are implemented and achieved through various actions taken where Green Safaris properties operate in Zambia and Malawi. These objectives are to support:
The Green Safaris Foundation has ANBI status and operates as a not-for-profit organisation registered in The Netherlands (Chamber of Commerce, RSIN: 857869218).
The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals are recognised by the Green Safaris Conservation Foundation. We are aware of the UN’s notion that ending poverty is influenced through addressing economic growth and the social needs of the community in which we exist. There are 13 Sustainable Development Goals that we have focalised in our mission to create a prosperous community.
View Goals